Aloha Poets,
Purple surf inspires today's poem. Enjoy!
Message on the Throttle
That thing on your mind filters differential meanings of nice
Reflect upon messages with fingers on the throttle cool as ice
A safety net surely exists in that network of wonder
Danger lurks in amazement of discernment's blunder
A study of story steadies what was said at the recent helm
Cave woman chirps and bristles at incoming dangerous realm
Out of the past to quickly read that quirky new tweet
All in on the heads up as danger lies at your feet in no retreat
Sequence of links thinks and blinks a sing song kind of way
So chipper the slipper of message blips across the bay
Neuron mirrors pile on as steerers anticipates a need
Journalism redefines from behind the blinds of chiry speed
Writing and writhing join hands in birthing a news safety net
Sleep so deprives if they saw it in your eyes aftermaths rising yet
Startled fast sparks a fear to last that one millimeter wave of beauty
Eclectic clocks tick and rock beyond the fray all the way to duty
Emotions drive action arrives where rational thought goes begging
A little off message takes to the passage to get all the tales wagging
Emotional attention emerges loud mention grounded as daggers near
Messages on the throttle keep safety in its bottle and later fuels cheer