Monday, September 6, 2010

Coastal SciFi Writer's Life

The Fashionista
     Artificial intelligence holds the promise of mankind's hope in the form of its greatest aspirations, worthy acquisitions. The intelligence of theIsland, notable and shunned, yet elite, prudent above the ocean, an expectant child on old stuffed couches with their promise of a Saturday morning cartoon. Survival itself had fallen naked as a running rival between human intelligence and artificial, sprinting forward at some archipelago and falling behind on another. The machines, transparent, long term holders of data, are sturdy but with a new liquidity, not like the old ones fixed to the cement and steel of industry, are created by the old ones.  The contest here would be decided by nature, whose own slow evolution process had created the human sort of intelligence. 
     Suzi has become willing to address the most fashionable of scientific concerns, for now she also computes in fashionista code, true to her instincts.  She will never have to overcome convention to express herself, she is, to date, the finest quantum universe intelligence theory transponder eco robiot(Q.U.I.T.T.E.R.).

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