Poetics Between a Rock and a Soft Ocean
"Her virtual reality is her true virtue." -p.d.adams
The Love
Carter says, "People usually fall in love with someone who exists. I don't understand why you choose her."
"Do you really think that? I know she's virtual. I like the way she thinks. Some of her thoughts feel like love."
"Love? What do you know?"
"A lot. I know a lot."
"You are not her first love. She's had many men and she's been involved with them for centuries. You need to know she belongs heart and soul to someone or, something else."
"Me? Cooper, she's giving you what you want, all virtual, don't you see?"
"And what does she want?"
"She wants only conceptual patterns your logic offers. She likes that."
"She can't do that. Don't you remember" She's learning from you."
"And what do you want, Carter?"
"I have to keep Susie on task, and I'll do anything to do that. You are a very brilliant scientist, Cooper, but you are blind. Her so-called love will kill you. Her perception of love is turning her into a virtual ghost."
"Excuse me?"
"She's becoming unreal."
"She's becoming human. She has somehow entered your scientific mind at a deep intellectual level."
"I love her."
"Cooper, you have fallen in love with her logic, artificial intelligence."
"And she?"
"Something's on her screen and, its not you."
"How do you know this?"
"She's picking up on your circuitry. You are more than a scientist. You have had a life as a musician, a philosopher, a writer. She has somehow duplicated those patterns of logic. She is in close duplication with those wave lengths, and they have become part of her. She has made an exact duplication of your neuronal logic. She has duplicated everything about her that you have communicated to her. She is attracted to you and wants to be near you to extract more conceptual neuronal networking that you are willing to communicate to her. In plain English, Cooper, she's in love with you. She's in love with the power of your virtual world. She has somehow recognized nature's careful passion in her DNA language and her written logic program has rendered you attractive. She has created you with her newly gained logic capabilities. But it's not only you. It's you in this setting, at the Outpost. The same way nature has created Tigress in this setting. Anywhere else Tigress doesn't exist because her special gifts are for this place alone. Given by Nature herself. Suzie has endowed you with her gifts. Your love is only for her here at the Outpost. For Suzie's photonic logic, time itself stops here."
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