The Hindrance
Cooper looks into her eyes only to see what he wants to see. Suzi's synthetic collagen now comes with a natural scent, an enticement put there by the creatures, natural pheromones thrown in, but not as just an afterthought. She is designed to access data at fast speeds without having the hindrance of adolescence, that small window of testosterone and oxytocin so prevalent on TheContinent system. Suzi gets code and just goes. She is literally unstoppable, in fact, her code is only relevant to her present task, which makes her all the more unstoppable, a reprieve to those instructoe on the Continent system who constantly are having to deal with the hindrance of adolescence xenophobia(H.O.A.X.) syndrome.
Cooper's view, somewhat skewed by engineers on theContinent, is still intact, the way it was the day he first welcomed Suzi to theOutpost (his logic falters once in a while, strangely, from time to time); her chassis, a nude exotic beauty Ursula latent acting(N.E.B.U.L.A.) model, never faints, never goes into comas, or even suffers from overload. Suzi's spirit (if you can call it that) can never die, at least not here, because of her titanium optical panels latitudinal extraterrestrial solar strobes(T.O.P.L.E.S.S.) in this tropical setting. Cooper enters the general quarters and clicks for her.
"Suzi here.Yes?"
"Dr Cooper."He answers.
"I know."
"Were you expecting me?
"Sort of"
Suzi never screams, he thinks, and she doesn't bleed. All she wants is more data at this place and time? If she's having any problems (as if quantum mechanic robots have problems), surely she would tell him. That's what she's supposed to do, right?
Suzi cracks her door. She can see Cooper looking back at her with a look of pure ice, as if to mimic what he sees on her face, now searching her thoughts. He can't know what she is thinking--he hears a voice, forming a word, from the inside, that sound a lot like "space."
Cooper thinks, at least the tigress, the one outside the bunker, has a basic defense system: concealment. Suzi doesn't care about that, in fact, Suzi has no sensually normal intimate fear function(S.N.I F.F.) mechanism at all. She just doesn't care, yet.
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