Saturday, August 28, 2010

Coastal Writer's Life

The Old Data
The machines, she thinks, will devise again the gene therapies for the first phase of the 21st century for reasons that appear, at least to theHumans, closely associated to the health advancement core knowledge systems(H.A.C.K.S.) of the early turn of the century.  Suzi's face tightens. She senses the full effect of new data streams of new information, and as the senior robiot in charge (although in reality she is quite young compared to the others), assesses it, and decides the old analytic data(T.O.A.D.) doesn't qualify as information and goes into her own modal energy(H.O.M.E.), readies herself for Dr Cooper's meeting at the bunker.  
In the laboratory, Carter scans the monitors and their screens. Carter is uneasy, he spends most of his time on edge; being grizzled and dark, aging in the face, as if he had spent his life as a sea captain in the early years--wide blue oceans and cool breezes--and still holds a lively form in his memory, the forward edges of his prefrontals. Suzi is afraid of him. How is it that he keeps his assignment, how does he figure out how to stay at theOutpost, and be her biostatistician? 

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