Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Surrealistic Coast

Aloha writers on the Coast,
     Surreal photo of ocean beach coast inspires today's
flash coastalSciFi.    Enjoy and play on!

A Beautiful Data
     Her skin is soft, but synthetic. A familiar touch just isn't something Suzi perceives.        You would like to view her, nude chassis and all, as human. You find the need to be whimsical or funny. You need to act on your (not so scientific) findings, "Now there is an attractive woman." 
     She has been encouraged by her talents as a data collector since her inception, but a beautiful woman? Suzi's eyes, beautifully designed, could find another's, but they are incapable of "I love you." The only thing she needs in the presence of intelligent men is to show up, collect data, or not collect data; her beauty takes care of the rest. But love has nothing to do with perceiving and collecting raw data--that's all she needs--more data. Data about those who possess skills, data that raises questions, data of future success, data that tells when to "go with the flow" or when to simply sit out the excesses.
     You would want to take her by her beautiful hand and wake her up. Suzi may (although COMTRAX never intended it to be) be approaching a new threshold of code, suggesting an entrance into analysis; she could be, in these early weeks at theOutpost, uncovering the rhetoric oratory world(T.H.R.O.W.), the world where data receives value and Suzi recognizes it for what it is, not simple that it is. Data that may be actually recognized as useful, first to generations of individual humans, then to parents, groups of parents, local officials, then politically active congress trax(P.A.C.T.) for generations to come. Someone or something actually sensing the urge to get from Suzi only that which she was designed to do in her own quantum mechanical way, to collect data from a world that seems to be drifting off, as if so much smoke across water. Love has nothing to do with any of this, not for Suzi.

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